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Generally, it takes less than 45 minutes to complete the infusion. A person getting this therapy needs to sit and relax. If you are planning to get IV vitamin infusion therapy, it’s best to follow these recommendations before visiting a specialist offering this therapy.
After your infusion is finished, a tiny pressure dressing is put on the IV site and left there for 30 minutes. You are free to continue your regular activities after this time period is over. The number of IV infusions you receive will depend upon your individual needs and preferred modes of therapy.
Our knowledgeable staff will review different scheduling possibilities with you, such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly infusions, and work with you to develop a customized schedule.
All living cells contain the coenzyme NAD+(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This Coenzyme acts as a “helper molecule” that supports several biological functions. The major purpose of NAD+ is to protect DNA integrity and repair cellular damage, which supports overall cell health and function.
NAD+ evidently offers the following benefits-
NAD+ production naturally declines with age. Many researchers consider NAD+ to be a powerful “anti-aging” protein, which can help improve:
Ref:- Trends in Cellular Biology 2014 Aug;24(8):464-71.
NAD+ infusion therapy has been practiced for more than 50 years and is considered safe, especially by qualified experts. With repeated NAD+ infusions, the benefits of long-term treatment are more pronounced. The usual suggestion is biweekly infusions for anti-aging and cognitive enhancement.
Usually, infusions last between one and two hours; however, this can vary from patient to patient. A few people have mentioned that they are experiencing symptoms, including moderate chest tightness or nausea, because of the increase in energy and ATP production during the infusion. By reducing the infusion rate, these symptoms can be easily resolved.
Though there is no proven record in the research studies that can show that this therapy can reverse aging, it can help maintain a youthful appearance and may slow down the aging process.